Usually, small medium enterprise seizes owner’s time, power, and attention. But in franchise, owner must be free or almost free to get in touch with business. Business must operate independently of owner. Business must self running, self management, independent.
How to create self management? Business must be systematized. The purpose of systemisation is to create a business that will operate independently of you - to generate business independence. All business area/ problem is identified. Identified problem must be solved in standard solution or systematisation.
The systemisation process that you will be undertaking will result in the following targets;
- Team members understand how to face major business problem. They knowing exactly what they are supposed to do and how they are supposed to do it.
- The customer having standard service, and satisfied every time they deal with every your business or your franchisee
- Every franchisee business have same and good production and service standard. Every franchise can replicate your business and get same standard The promotion of consistency in all aspects of your business
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